Graduated archeologist and art historian, she is a senior adviser for culture in the City of Nin with many years of experience in the nomination and realization of projects related to the restoration, protection and revitalization of the monumental heritage, as well as its interpretation and promotion.
In her work, she is guided by the fundamental principles of preserving cultural heritage and turning it into an active social resource whose quality management and valorization greatly contributes to improving the quality of life of today’s man, who, through conscious behavior and synergy with the historical space, builds the foundation of a strong future. She is the manager and curator of the City Gallery Višeslav, and for the past 15 years she has been managing the art activities of the Baroque House situated in the city of Nin.
She has also been educated in PR strategies, public relations and communication with the media, and since 2014 she works as the spokesperson for the City and employed as the official for informing and realization of the right to access information.
She is the author of the monograph “Donation of Marija Višić Guine”, and co-author of the monograph “5 Croatian Royal Cities”.
In her personal life, she is an active volunteer and animal protection promoter.